Prayers for Life

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All living creatures need nourishment to live well; also comfort, shelter and companionship in varying degrees. The natural world can be harsh and cruel and animals cannot pray, so we must all do our best to make their lives as secure and happy as possible, whether they be wild or domesticated. See two Old Testament references: Exodus chapter 23 verses 4 and 5; Proverbs chapter 12 verse 10.

As for ourselves, we like to have good things in our lives. This is fine - as long as it is not going to hurt anyone else we can pray to our Lord to grant our wishes.

Two passages in the New Testament of the Bible are very uplifting. They are Matthew chapter 7 verses 7 to 11 and Luke chapter 11 verses 9 to 13. They say the same thing more or less: that God will never give us a stone when we ask for bread or a snake when we want a fish - in other words something inedible when we need a decent meal!

Join with your loved ones in prayer for what you need and God is there with you, listening and ready to pour our His generosity (Matthew chapter 18 verses 19 and 20). He is delighted when we pray!